Sentinels of Sand
♢ Heavy RP | Mateus | NA | Character-Driven | Story | Adventure ♢
We are a lore-abiding, heavy RP FC situated on Mateus. Our GMs are RP vets experienced in DMing for tabletop games and in MMOs. When it comes to members quality over quantity is our grail. Character-driven storytelling is our truest love and lore second to that; we encourage creativity and uniqueness within the realm of believability, so long as character and story concepts abide by the canonical lore established for FFXIV, we'll foster them.
♢ Founded 02/02/2020 ♢
About Us
Sentinels of Sand rests in an Alignment limbo between Chaotic and Neutral Good; our characters may try to follow the law when it suits them, other times they find the need to make their own rules- but their hearts are always in the right place. The group defies the corruption that brews in criminal and/or mercenary Free Companies and organizations like the Brass Blades. Evil-Aligned characters won't find a home here, neither will Neutrals without interest in a greater good or a for-the-people-by-the-people attitude. Outlaws and criminals permitted only within the circumstance of them looking to reform.
Where Ul'dah's juridical system failed is where Sentinels of Sand was born; a vigilante group first drawn together by two Dunesfolk angered by what corruption was let to fester within street and Syndicate. Seeking to cleanse Thanalan's sands of the blemishes that mark them, the Company gathered individuals of like mind and heart to bring justice where needed. With Adventurer's Guilds and lawless collectives of Mercenaries abundant, the Company now serves as an example of order among the majoritively orderless and has even extended its reach beyond the desert, as far as the Far East.
Events & Activity
Recurrent event expectancy consists of at least one casual RP sess' during the week (though our members are incredibly active and usually on RPing casually nearly every evening) and then an FC story event or two every weekend (primarily Fridays and/or Sundays).
Events are frequently 2-3 hours long on average, though have occasionally gone longer. Events are normally scheduled to begin anywhere between 6-8 PM (EST) on Fridays, and anywhere between 4-8 PM on Sundays.
Members are welcome to DM their own stories and schedule their own events too, and many of them do! Though this is not a requirement by any means.
Rules and Expectations
Must be read before applying. May be subject to change as our FC grows and develops.
Officers? ♢ Our FC has evolved to function more like a D&D table, judicially it's run by all its members; everyone has a say and involvement in our recruitment process. When necessary, the FC owners (Kukuro Hipuro and Pipiyu Piyu) will step in to finalize decisions and tend to any issues members may be having, but we have no officer hierarchy. The owners tend to all technical or administrative responsibilities, so no stress.
Activity and Engagement ♢ Please join our FC with the intention of investing some of your time into us, as we will be investing ours in you! There are no strict numerical requirements as far as event attendance goes, our expectations of activity umbrella over engagement within the FC overall; we want members to join because they want to be here, interacting IC and OOC and attending events when they can meets our expectations. Stagnant members who have made no effort to come to any activities, scheduled or impromptu, and who have shown no desire to engage with their community OOC and IC will be given an early warning via discord and then removed from our roster once two months of inactivity have passed.
Hiatus & Leaves ♢ These are entirely okay! We just appreciate knowing what's up, communication is appreciated.
IC vs. OOC ♢ Never confuse the two. We request that our members be aware of the difference and behave accordingly; do not let your character's emotions or motivations become your own, or vice versa.
Big Kids Only, 18+ ♢ Only those over the age of 18 will be permitted to join the FC, our community has no set censorships OOC or IC, however, it is expected that members be capable of conducting themselves in a mature and adult manner. We are not an ERP FC, what our members do in private and on their own time is of their own discretion, but do not apply to membership with that sort of expectation; do not make inappropriate and unwarranted advances toward our members.
Respect ♢ This goes hand in hand with the prior point, we expect members to conduct themselves responsibly and maturely, which means we also expect our members to treat one another with respect. I also expect members to conduct themselves appropriately in groups outside of ours, anyone carrying our FC tag is representing our FC, and setting a standard others will expect to see from us. So no doxing, no harassing, be good to each other - by The Twelve if I catch any of you "canceling" one another. Insta-kick.
Internal Conflict Of The Member Variety ♢ We have a low tolerance for OOC drama. Please aim to resolve it in the DMs, alternatively, feel free to reach out to either of the FC's owners if you need help (Kukuro Hipuro & Pipiyu Piyu)
The Trial Period ♢ New members are placed in a sort of free trial flavoured role and have 1 strike for the first two months of their time in the FC. If they are not active within this period, or cause any serious discordance and breach the above rules, this will result in immediate removal from the FC. Post the two-month trial period, they are considered a full member and are given an extended strike count of 3. Don't be the guy that gets kicked on account of stinking the vibe.
Alts ♢ New members in their Trial period are not permitted alts. Once they become full members, they may add alts to the FC. Inaugurates are in a sort of probation period with the FC. The inaugurate role and its alt limitation exists in order for us to properly assess if the new face(s) will jive well OOCly with our group more intimately over a length of time that simple quick interviews don't really permit us doing. We ask that those in their probation period do not come by to RP on alts with the FC until their probation period is over - whether you would eventually like them in the FC or not doesn’t matter to us.
Rules which pertain to interaction within our Discord are listed in the server itself.
Responsibilities and expectations of our Officers can be found here.
Joining Us
If you've an interest in joining our FC please first read our Rules and then submit an Application!
Upon acceptance of the submission, an OOC interview may be arranged in Discord. to address any questions you may have about our FC, or likewise, to address any questions we may have for you. This will be conducted either by the FC owners, or by the FC owners and the member who referred you to our FC. At the end of this meeting, we will also have worked out a fitting prompt by which your character can get involved in the FC IC.
Lastly, we move on to the IC interview! Which is really more just actually RPing your character being brought into the FC. After that we'll sauce you an in-game invite to the FC and you'll be welcomed into our roster as a new member on their Trial Period (further elaborated upon in our Rules).
If you have any questions or concerns that you would like addressed before applying, feel free to contact either of our GMs in-game:
♢ Pipiyu Piyu
♢ Kukuro Hipuro
Sundries of Sand
The Goblet, 3rd Ward, Plot 49
Our FC house serves IC as an emporium; offering a commercial service for Adventurers, all gear and supplies crafted-to-order! The shop is definitely not a front for a crime-fighting, underground syndicate!